I am "Gym Teacher Kent" everyday besides thursdays. Thursdays are reserved for random specialty days like show and tell or cooking class (last thursday we made Tuna Canape). Gym class is as extremely rewarding however the reward only comes after investing extreme effort. Maintaining composure in gym class is A true give and take scenario. Our Gymnasium is an extra large classroom equipped with 4 plastic balls and some hula hoops. At first, coming up with games or activities to play during gym class was a challenge. That is until I introduced Dodgeball. Actually it isn't just me diving this dodgeball train. Shane teacher is the co-gym teacher and with out him things would be much more difficult.

All the kids Love dodgeball. And after about 5 minutes of run-through instructions prior to playing they usually abide by most of the rules; hit in the head-not out, cross the center line-out... I was not prepared for what was about to come. During my first few dodgeball classes there were almost as many face shots as there were body shots. The dodgeballs are soft and not dangerous mind you but the expressions on these hyper-cute Korean kids faces after getting hit are startlingly funny. I realize how this sounds and its kind of a darkhumor thing but its hilarious. The kids are phased for only an instant then they're back in the game with as much zest as they had to begin with.
The Philosophy and Teachings of Dodgeball are represented in the behavior of the kids while playing dodgball. It is FASCINATING. Here are a bunch of children (humans who are not as influenced by social or cultural "rules"), ages 5-10, who in many ways display human nature at a more basic, honest and fundamental level then older people. It is interesting to take this view of children while watching them interact with one another in dodgeball. There are kids who steal balls from others, there are kids who do nothing but collect balls and then give them to others, there are kids who hide from everything all together, and everything in-between. There is a little girl in my tuesday class who prefers to stand next to me and watch. While there is all of these different approaches to dodgeball, overall excitement to participate seems to be shared amongst every kid. Little do they know it but these kids are master dodgeball yogis.
Here is my Starter class where I was given the honor to give some of the students "English" names. From left standing is Brenda, Noli, Michael, Jaiden, Evan, Scott, Grace, and Alica. Sitting from left Parker, Amy, and Eric. -k |
So cute... and interesting all together. Mr. Gym Teacher Kent... keep em' coming!! Soccer dodgeball can be interesting as well. The game is 'free form' around the room, ball is kicked and must hit below the knee. you can play a freeze tag version where they can crawl under each other or pass a ball to unfreeze wone another. Can be fun!! You guys stay safe - Sarah Ceballos