We have been keeping ourselves busy both productive and time-wasting activities for the past couple months. Since the new year and Sam's departure we have been visiting as many Korean restaurants as we could get our chopsticks on. We've also gone to a couple movies, one of which was the final Twilight edition... don't judge me... I've inflicted enough self-loathing and remorse over my choice. We've been reading stuffs and riding our bikes on the nice weekends. We usually ride down to Gwangali Beach and get a drink and some snacks, then watch the fisher-Koreans on the wave break. They use long handled ice cream scoops, whipping globs of chum out into the water to bait the fish.
The weeks have been slipping by and since some of our friends will be flying away at the end of this month we had a rockin' waygook getaway in January, over Lunar New Year. Eight of us foreign teachers, four couples, rented a small pension in Baenaegol (배내골), near Yangsan (양산), in the mountains. We were all looking for a little getaway action and some quality time with friends with whom we share in this Korean experience.
We were in the pension at the top. |
Shoes of at the door. |
Weeks of planning culminated into an afternoon, evening and morning of delicious eats, dance offs, more eats, banana gramming, gas passing (due to vegetarian friendly bean dishes) story swapping and more delicious eats. Oh. Also, some adult beverages were consumed. The owner, Han Sung Guhn, spoke good enough English for us. He even made a special trip to help us pick up some groceries, for we were heavy on the liqueur supply and light on the mixers.
We stocked the kitchen. It was only one night but we wanted all of the comforts of home. |
The Family Room- We were immediately comfy. |
Trying to forge a new path. |
We decided on a paved trail instead. |
Rosie in the sun. |
Amanda photos Jesse photos Sam. Kent stands. Shane walks. |
Nice camera. |
Family Dinner- sandwiches and chips |
Mashigue Desayo. |
Relaxing in pairs. |
Banana gramming. |
Sleeping in pairs. |
More food... |
Pancake breakfast with scrambled eggs and fruit salad. Joe and Courtney spoiled us with a pineapple. |
The Crew |
A fantastic time was had and we are so glad to have found the kind of people here who we would willingly lock ourselves together with in a secluded mini-apartment for an overnight adventure.
We recommend the Solmaru Pension (솔마루 펜시온)!
To get there: Train from Bujeon Station to Won-dong Station (30 minutes)
In front of Won-dong Station is a village bus, bus stop. Bus #2 (the only bus)-->
Take for 25 minutes to the Pung-ho-Da-Ri (풍호다리) bus stop
You can find the pension on the map at the stop or the owner, Han Sung Guhn, can pick you up.